My second activation. for the WWFF program. This time 16 kilometers by bike to end up in the dune area of Monster. PAFF-0160. A sunny day, 3 degrees but in the dunes in the sun just nice and warm.
At the location, of course, I first checked whether I had ended up in the designated area. Set up the antenna with a view of the sea. Adjusted my EFHW with about 20 meters of wire and a 49:1 UNUN with the Rigexpert Stick and then put the XIEGU X6100 on listening mode to see if I could get a free spot. This was on 7.135 kHz. After calling CQ a number of times, an offer came. A small pile-up soon followed. After half an hour I went to 20 meters. Tuned to 14.244 kHz, the pile-up was slightly larger. After an hour of work I was able to log 55 stations.
Worth repeating again.