Spain again authorizes foreign novice licensees transmissions

Spain again authorizes foreign novice licensees transmissions

Spain had been authorizing foreign radio amateurs, regardless of their license class, to use their equipment in the country for a period of 90 days a year, upon prior authorization, until 2023, when the Adminis­tration changed the criteria for interpreting the rule and denied all new applications.

The EURAO member association in Spain, FEDI-EA, has been insisting all this time to the Adminis­tration to revert this interpretation to the one it had previously made, finally achieving that goal.

This type of temporary authorization is free of charge. Those interested must provide the address of residence during their stay in Spain and the start and end dates, as well as a copy of the ham licence and the passport. It is recommended to submit the application well in advance of the trip (at least six weeks).

The same also applies to those radio amateurs with a full licence from countries that have not adopted the CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-01.

If you need help with the process, you can become a member of FEDI-EA .

Ameland on the air

End fedThis is my current antenna setup. An end fed half wave. Feedpoint at about 3,6 meter sloping up to 5 meters in the open field. Happy ham.

Cloudlog Aurora

Peter 2M0SQL has released Cloudlog Aurora being the misssing link between several desktop applications and Cloudlog. Because of that there is no need anymore for Log2.

Log2 will be removed from this site.

Guying ring for POTA use

Guying ring
Finished guying ring

I tend to use a 7 meter fishing pole from Decathlon as antenna mast when being out in the field for POTA or WWFF.  Until today I was using a parasol herring as base pin for the mast. Today I finished this project consisting of a guying ring with a 32 mm hole in the middle and three additional holes for guy lines. This ring slides over the second part of the pole and thus resting on the first part. Guying it of to three places with lines and pegs and you are good to go. The item is made of a piece of cutting board bought at the Action for € 0.69.  The guy lines and pegs were bought at Gamma.

Altogether this is lighter solution for travelling.

Some additional photo’s:



49:1UNUN Design by OMØET
49:1UNUN Design by OMØET

I came across a 49:1 UNUN design by OMØET which was very appealing. I decided to go to the nearest DIY shop and buy me some materials to build one myself. The priciest part was the toroid which I bought at for still a reasonable price. Altogether the transformer costed about € 15,00. Not bad compared to prices in various webshops. Next on will be a 9:1 UNUN for EFLW. Same design will apply. A big thank you to Pavol, OMØET.