Perfect POTA Pole

Perfect POTA Pole
Perfect POTA Pole
Perfect POTA Pole

Did I really find the Perfect POTA Pole? I already have this 7 meter long fishing pole which I tend to use when going out for POTA or WWFF activations. Collapsed for transport this pole is 114 cm. At the same company where I bought this one they also have a 6 meter travel pole with a transport length of 56 cm.  I really like the decreased transport length since I will be using this pole when travelling either by bike or foot. It can easily be attached to my backpack. Check the pole out here.

The tip of the pole
Tip of the Pole
Tip of the Pole

Did I mention the orange tip? Not yet so it seems. The orange tip on top of the pole has a sliding tube where you easily can attach your antenna wire and securing it just by sliding it back to the top. Might come in very handy.

Guying the pole

And you know what’s best? My guying set (see my previous post) fits like a glove to this one as well. Happy HAM.

PAFF-0073 Ameland, March 11 2023


My third activation. This time walking 1 kilometer to end up in the forest area of Ameland. PAFF-0073. A strong wind wiped over the island when I found a reasonably sheltered spot in the woods next to a lake.

Determined with the help of Google Maps and Easy QTH locator (iPhone app) that I had ended up in the designated area. After I set up the antenna and set up the set found a frequency. Ian, G7HFS/M was kind enough to relinquish 7,144 to me. After a few calls, Kurt, ON4CB came back for me. Then it was eerily silent. While explaining to an unsuspecting passerby what I was doing I changed frequency and ended up at 14.244. There neatly asked if the frequency was in use. I received no response to that. After a number of calls, a station 9++ came in to tell me ( instructed me) to stop transmitting because he had been on or around that frequency for 9 hours. When asked for his callsign I was only told to stop transmitting. So much for the gentleman in amateur land. Because no one had come back in the meantime and I also had something better to do, I broke things up again and went home. I enjoyed being in nature.

Lessons learned. Do not activate in a contest weekend…….

PAFF-0160 Solleveld Kapittelduinen, 8 February 2023

PAFF-0160 Solleveld en Kapittelduinen
PAFF-0160 Solleveld en Kapittelduinen

My second activation. for the WWFF program. This time 16 kilometers by bike to end up in the dune area of Monster. PAFF-0160. A sunny day, 3 degrees but in the dunes in the sun just nice and warm.

At the location, of course, I first checked whether I had ended up in the designated area. Set up the antenna with a view of the sea. Adjusted my EFHW with about 20 meters of wire and a 49:1 UNUN with the Rigexpert Stick and then put the XIEGU X6100 on listening mode to see if I could get a free spot. This was on 7.135 kHz. After calling CQ a number of times, an offer came. A small pile-up soon followed. After half an hour I went to 20 meters. Tuned to 14.244 kHz, the pile-up was slightly larger. After an hour of work I was able to log 55 stations.

Worth repeating again.

WWFF | World wide Flora Fauna | Make nature your shack

WWFF | World wide Flora Fauna | Make nature your shackThis one is for me. I like to be out in the open and I like to play radio. Best of both worlds in WWFF. Despite cold (or hot for that matter) weather bugs and sand all over the place I really enjoy putting up an antenna in the field ,on the beach, in a park and make nature my shack. And if not outside hunt other activators for some “awards”. But why not one program that fits all? I mean POTA, VOTA, IOTA, MOTA, WWFF and probably a lot more. C’mon we can do better!

PD0RZH/P, PAFF-0162, Meijendel & Berkheide, 4 october 2022

PAFF-0162Today I did a WWFF activation for the first time. First 20 kilometers by bike to end up in the dune area of Meijendel, PAFF-0162. Super nice weather, beautiful skies and a nice sun were my share.

Arriving at the location, first set up the antenna. A 7m rod with the EFHW attached was in a poop and a sigh. The set, the Xiegu X6100, docked and called CQ at 40 meters. Soon the first hunters came into the air. After DK7UDO put some things on the cluster, there was a pile-up. I had never experienced this. Comfortable, because then you are in control I could finish the stations one by one.

After an hour or two with a break here and there for a brew and a sandwich I was able to break off and go back home. Can someone wipe that smile off my face?